The forever bond your soul closes with earth when summer rains unveil the deep taste of farmland mingled with the excited call of crested Francolin, served as the drug for the Schütte Clan to have more of the same since the early 1980s.
Discovering the whole Southern African smell of the most beautiful continent ended with a permanent footprint amongst the valleys of the Murchison Mountain range Limpopo.
In this valley adorned by the Mulati river and its tributaries, the abundance of Jackalberry pantries for baboons, red flowered weeping Boer-bean dripping gold for bees, purple flower bunches of van Wykshout, yellow bells from Sjambok pods all guarded by Leadwood giants became full circle when the family acquired roaming Buffalo, Sable, Roan, Eland, and plains game. This great environment gave birth to the Family’s hospitality and conservation endeavours with Kilima Private Game Reserve & Spa, Kilima Franschhoek, Arch & Arrow, and then the White Rhino and Hartman’s Zebra breeding programmes amongst some of the flagships.
Parallel to the above experience, the family also discovered their green fingers resulting in export factories and processing plants dedicated to the Macadamia and Avocado farming activities distributed over the Limpopo and Mpumalanga provinces of South Africa.