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The Family Forum is the sanctuary of the family businesses within the Legacy


The Family Forum is the sanctuary of the family businesses within the Legacy, well respected, and the placebo for lasting relationships. Everyone drinks from and rediscovers one another at this Oasis in family and business.

The Family Forum energizes, motivates, looks after its members, and handles conflict resolutions within 72 hours. The Family Forum is headed by an all-female team of warriors, warriors that are looking after the Clan.


They make every effort to develop the younger family members coming up the ranks, establish traditions and intentions, govern, and lead the Ambassadors into the finer nuances of being part of a Family Business.


They support initiatives that underpin the Legacy’s values and award bursaries to family members wanting to study further in the fields of current business. They mentor, award, and recognise young family members for academic results, sports accolades, and arts and cultural developments.

The establishment of the Circle of Trust, “one for all and All for one,” is managed and facilitated by the Trustee of the Family forum. A sacred moment where the family thanks and honours individuals that help build the Legacy. You are sworn in and will never be forgotten as an essential role player in inaugurating the Legacy.

The Family Forum is also responsible for development through facilitating training, starting with the Managing Directors and General Managers year on year in courses like DISC, EQ, Strength Finders, Conflict Management, Financial management for non-financial managers, overseeing the registration process and adhering to IODSA.

“I am the Family Forum Trustee and have recently given the reigns over to three prodigies, Simonè Schütte, BenaDea Lubbe and Wilmari Möller. They are young, they are brave, they are ambitious, and they have ONE main aim at heart. How do they move forward as a constituent? They are the sharp-witted, technologically advanced future of the Schütte Legacy. Lastly, they strive to affect THE OHANA EFFECT!” – no one gets left behind.

Viva Schutte Legacy

Sareta Schütte
Matriarch and Trustee of the Family Forum

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